Frequently asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q: How do I submit my manuscript for consideration?
A: To begin, please send a synopsis of your book, a covering letter, and the full manuscript. This initial submission does not require any fee. Our editor will review these materials to see if your manuscript fits within our publishing scope.

Q: Are there any formatting requirements for submission?
A: Yes. All manuscripts should follow Chicago Manual of Style or APA format for citations. English texts must use 12-point Times New Roman, and Asian scripts should be submitted in 14-15 point font size, either horizontally or vertically (right-to-left only for vertical format). We only accept Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF formats.

Q: Is there a submission fee?
A: No fee is required for the initial submission. However, if your manuscript is accepted into the official review stage, a non-refundable USD 300 fee will be required to cover the evaluation process.

Q: How long does the initial evaluation process take?
A: The time can vary depending on the number of submissions. However, we aim to provide a response within 4-6 weeks for the initial evaluation.

Review Process

Q: What happens after my manuscript passes the initial evaluation?
A: If your manuscript aligns with our scope, available professors in relevant fields will be asked to review it. If they accept, you’ll receive an acceptance letter, and the manuscript will proceed to the official review stage, pending payment of the USD 300 evaluation fee.

Q: How long does the peer review process take?
A: The peer review timeline can vary based on reviewer availability, the complexity of the manuscript, and current submission volume. Generally, this phase may take 8-12 weeks.

Q: Can I receive updates during the review process?
A: We kindly ask for patience during this period. Once the review is complete, we will notify you of the decision. You are welcome to reach out to the team member who contacts you if you have further questions.

Publishing Timelines

Q: How long does the entire publishing process take?
A: After acceptance, the publishing process typically spans 3-6 months. This includes peer review, editing, typesetting, and final preparations for publication.

Q: Can I request an expedited review or publication process?
A: Due to our rigorous academic standards, we cannot expedite the review process. Each manuscript is given thorough consideration to maintain high-quality output.

Rights, Royalties, and Fees

Q: Will I retain the rights to my work?
A: Yes, authors retain the rights to their work. Rights, royalties, and intellectual property terms will be discussed after manuscript acceptance.

Q: What are the royalty terms?
A: Royalty discussions, including percentage allocations and intellectual property terms, are handled by our editorial team in collaboration with our accounts department after the manuscript has been accepted for publication.

Q: Are there additional costs beyond the evaluation fee?
A: The USD 300 evaluation fee covers the official review process only. Additional fees may apply for typesetting, editing, and cover design services.

Images and Content Integrity

Q: Can I include images or illustrations in my manuscript?
A: Yes, but images must either be owned by the author or royalty-free. AI-generated scientific diagrams are strictly prohibited due to reliability and ethical concerns.

Q: What happens if my manuscript is found to contain pseudoscience or pseudohistory?
A: Manuscripts that glorify pseudoscientific theories or pseudohistory are subject to immediate rejection. If detected during official review, the manuscript will be rejected, and the evaluation fee will not be refunded.

Additional Queries

Q: Who should I contact if I have questions about the submission or review process?
A: For submission-related inquiries, please contact our submissions team. After your manuscript has been accepted into review, a designated team member will be available to assist with any further questions.

Q: How will my book be distributed if accepted for publication?
A: We distribute our publications globally using platforms like Amazon and other third-party services. This ensures cost-effective and wide-ranging availability for readers, bookstores, and educational institutions.